Traveling Troubadour
    Cruises & Tours



Ireland Tour – March 14-22, 2014


 Today's date:                                                

Name: ______________________________________Citizenship ______DOB:____________

            Legal name as it appears on passport (no nicknames)

If you are a geocacher, what is your username? ___________________________

Mailing Address __________________________________________City/State/Zip:_______________________


 E-Mail: __________________________________Tel.__________________________ Cell:________________


Rooming with: ________________________________Tel._______________ Citizenship_________ DOB: ________

 If you are a geocacher, what is your username? ____________________________

Emergency contact (1st person)   ___________________________________________________________________

                                                              name                                                  relationship                                          telephone


Emergency contact (2nd person)____________________________________________________________________

                                                              name                                                 relationship                                          telephone


Land Package: ____ persons@ $1795 (double occupancy)     Air from Newark, NJ: ____ persons@ $895


Single Supplement - $550 (Limited!) ________


Insurance: ____ persons @ $142.00 per person if double occupancy; $180.00 if single for land package only 
Insurance rates with air:  Land + Air - Double - Per Person: $220.00;  Land + Air – Single: $258.00

Click here for more info about the insurance plan.


Deposit:   $350 per person ($450 with air) upon reservation.  
(Deposit is refundable if reservation cancelled before December 1, 2013.)


Final Payment due January 8, 2014.


CHECKS MAY BE MADE PAYABLE TO:  Traveling Troubadour.  Send to P. O. Box 3189, Staunton, VA  24402


Please charge my credit card      ___Visa   ___Discover   ___Master Card    ___American Express

                                                                        (Note:  We may process your payment through Pay Pal.)


Credit Card #___________________________________________Exp. Date___________


Cardholder’s name_________________________________ SIGNATURE__________________________________